Loupe Digital

Unlock critical insights using BigQuery

that propel your business to the next level

Outstanding Solutions

Loupe Digital enables companies to understand their customers across their entire life-cycle and deliver insights and data/business processes that improve marketing RoI, using a holistic approach and drawing on our specialist experience in the digital marketing ecosystem.


Are you (or are you planning to be) a Google Analytics 360 customer? Do you want to make the most of your Google 360 investment by understanding and extracting the value that lies in your data? We can train your staff to effectively use BigQuery and unlock its full potential.

Analytics Strategy

Are you just getting started with understanding the valuable data your digital platforms provide you? Are you looking to understand how your customers interact with your website, mobile app(s) and your digital ecosystem - and how that translates to business value? We help our clients draw their own roadmap and understand what it takes to become a data driven organisation - especially when it comes to leveraging digital data.

Complete User Journey Analysis (cross-device / cross-channel)

Build comprehensive sales funnels across devices and sessions. Enable attribution by revealing the full journey of your customers/visitors - possibly even the offline touchpoints.

Audience segmentation

Optimise audiences for advertising or direct marketing campaigns using first-party data. Identify actionable customer segments for tailored acquisition, monetisation or treatment strategies.

Enhanced engagement analysis

Use your GA360 data through BigQuery data processing with a visual analytics (dashboarding) tool of your choice to power up your web analytics reporting - without the flaws and limitations of Google Analytics.


Augment your in-house customer data and analytics solutions by combining them with appropriately processed web tracking data. Including features created from online behaviour can greatly enhance predictive models even on traditional (non-digital) customer analytics use cases such as product cross-sell or customer churn.


Integrate data from your siloed marketing platforms into your data warehouse and generate advanced insights not available in analytics or marketing platforms in isolation. Join the top-performing marketers by evaluating campaigns by Cost per Acquisition or Return on Advertising Spend.


Take your advertising insights to the next level by utilising Google’s shiny new feature that allows joining advertising information to your web analytics data in BigQuery for each visitor.


Enter data science and build machine learning models to enhance lead generation, personalisation, retention - you name it! And it doesn't stop with the generation of such models - we help you deploy them so they score your customers at the right time. Machine Learning models can also be set to learn (retrain themselves) automatically, so that they are always up to date even when visitor behaviour is changing.



  • Audience segmentation using combined online-offline data – suppressing product ads for non-eligible customers
  • Campaign performance – Cost per Acquisition
  • Online behaviour of existing customers (on website, internet banking, mobile app, etc)
  • Online behaviour of new customers – prospect analysis
  • Combined customer journey insights across all channels
  • Online/offline conversionsfeeding phone/branch sales back to supercharge advertising
  • Navigating through GDPR to extract maximum value by staying compliant and ethical


  • Complete marketing funnel – even across sessions and devices
  • Campaign performance – Return on Advertising Spend
  • Repeat purchase behaviour / Customer Lifetime value
  • Customer segmentation and interests
  • Branding efficiency – video ad measurement
  • Organic search insights


  • Single customer view across all products
  • Player engagement insights
  • Customer segmentation – player types and interests
  • Ethics – signs of addiction
  • Machine learning for personalisation
  • Customer churn and dormant players


  • Reader engagement on various platforms (web, AMP, mobile app etc)
  • Registration/subscription drivers and engagement
  • Subscription funnels and drop-off points
  • Advertising revenue
  • Churn & reader lapse
  • Visitor segmentation
  • Newsletter impact
  • Editorial dashboards
  • Organic search insights



Loupe Digital boasts an executive team of Senior Ex-Google, Ex-Oracle & Ex-Accenture digital experts. We have several decades of combined experience in the field of advanced analytics, digital marketing, strategy consulting and international project management.


Over the many years of working with various clients, we have noticed that many Google Analytics 360 subscribers stop the service after a year or two – but it is always those customers who did not leverage the rich granular web tracking data properly. It is our mission to educate clients and help them build analytics solutions to fully leverage this data, in combination with other valuable digital marketing data sources, and thereby maximizing the extracted value out of their Google Analytics 360 / Google Marketing Suite investment.


Although our primary focus is on digital analytics, we work together with numerous strategic partners to offer advice and solutions to our clients across all aspects of their digital transformation, be it tagging and GA360 implementation, cloud data warehousing and migration, digital marketing and advertising, application development, artificial intelligence – or be it down-to-earth goals such as sales excellence and growth strategy. We connect dots and use this holistic mind-set to ensure we provide the best service, tailored to your organisation.